Suggestions for AI Music Generation Update 2.0
I’d like to propose a few features for the upcoming 2.0 update that could greatly improve the user experience:
- Volume Consistency in Repeated Sections
Sometimes, when a verse repeats, the volume suddenly becomes louder or changes unexpectedly compared to the first time. It would be great if this issue could be addressed for smoother transitions.
- Extended Remix Functionality
Currently, the remix feature has a time limit, but it would be great if users could remix the entire track, even if it requires more credits. Extending the feature to work on tracks longer than 2 minutes and 10 seconds would be a fantastic addition.
The remix feature is especially useful for resolving issues like vocal "shh" noises, incorrect bass chords, or pronunciation problems. Allowing full-track remixing would enable users to fine-tune their music for a more polished and professional outcome.
- Address Vocal Peaks and Distortion
Sometimes, vocal peaks cause distortion or a clipped sound that can be harsh on the ears. It would be great if the remix feature could also address this issue. There are times when the song is excellent but difficult to listen to because of these distortions, which is unfortunate.
Thank you for considering these suggestions!